Texas Heart Institute’s 60th Anniversary

Texas Heart Institute (THI) celebrated its 60th Anniversary of inception this week on August 3. In celebration of this milestone, members of the Cardiomyocyte Renewal (CMRL) and Gene Editing Laboratory (GEL) attended the Founder’s Day lunch held in the Ansary Atrium of THI. Below are photos of lab members posing with the Project Heart mascot, Cool-E the robot at the Founder’s Day lunch. If you missed the pun, he’s named after THI’s founder, Dr. Denton Cooley.

Dr. Jim Martin, CMRL and GEL director, and a good sport, puts on his happy face as he stands next to Cool-E, the robot at the Founder’s Day lunch.

Drs. Rich Li (CMRL, left), Xiao Li (GEL, middle), and Hossein Mousavi (GEL, right) muscled their way to the front of the line to pose with Cool-E, the robot, at the Founder’s Day lunch.

To read more about the 60th Anniversary of THI and the institution’s history, please click here.


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