Cardioascona 2024

Dr. Martin recently attended CardioAscona 2024, the 11th International Ascona Workshop on Cardiomyocyte Biology, in Ascona, Switzerland. This prestigious triennial event brought together global experts to explore cutting-edge research in cardiac disease, focusing on cardiomyocyte biology, regeneration, and epigenetic regulation. Alongside other conference attendees, he discussed our unpublished findings and deliberated the conference’s stated goals of “enhancing the understanding of cardiac disease mechanisms and exploring potential therapeutic approaches.”

On Monday of the meeting, Dr. Martin gave a talk in the Regeneration Session that featured the following speakers:

  • James Martin-Hippo Signaling: Heart Regeneration and Beyond

  • Florian Weinberger-Heart regeneration with human pluripotent stem cells

  • Francesco Ruberto-CLIPPER, a Cardiomyocyte-specific Long Noncoding RNA, Regulates LIPIN1-Mediated Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Heart Regeneration

Congressi Stefano Franscini, the convention center and venue for Cardioascona, is situated next to Monte Verità in Ascona, Switzerland.

This fruitful meeting bore fresh and exciting perspectives that will influence our research directions as we continue to investigate cardiomyocyte biology and heart regeneration. We look forward to leveraging these insights into our ongoing efforts to advance cardiac science.


Productive Year for Dr. Fansen Meng!


Targeting Hippo for Heart Repair in Humans