YAP5SA, an Introduction

Continuing our video series, Dr. Martin explains in this five minute how our lab leverages cutting-edge techniques to understand the complexities of heart failure. Using the transgene YAP5SA in mice, our team is investigating the role of YAP (Yes-associated protein) activation in promoting heart regeneration. YAP5SA is a modified form of YAP, designed to stay active and bypass inhibitory phosphorylation, making it a powerful tool for studying regeneration in the heart.

By deciphering how gene regulation and cell-cell interactions can foster tissue regeneration, our work on YAP5SA will pave the way for new heart failure therapeutics. Stay tuned for more breakthroughs as we continue to combat one of the leading causes of death worldwide.


The Martin Lab at the FASEB Hippo Meeting!


Our Latest Work Published in Circulation