Investigating organ development and tissue regeneration.

Join Us!
We're seeking graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty to join our dynamic team of collaborative scientists dedicated to exploring cardiac biology and regenerative medicine. Our labs are centrally located in a world-class medical center. If you are interested in joining us, click here.
Our Projects
Congenital Heart Disease
The various cardiac malformations that can arise before birth are referred to as congenital heart diseases (CHDs). The etiology of most forms of CHD is poorly understood. Our long-term goal is to unravel the endogenous mechanisms that are defective during CHD development.
Cardiac Regeneration and Heart Failure
To identify the molecular determinants of tissue regeneration in the heart, we use mouse and pig cardiac injury models to investigate genetic pathways such as Hippo and Wnt in cardiac development and renewal. We have recently begun profiling human heart tissues from the clinic to identify the causes of heart failure.
Single Cell Genomics
To model spatially resolved gene regulatory relationships in the heart, we pioneered single cell RNA-sequencing, and spatial transcriptomics techniques, and developed machine learning algorithms. We profile the genomic landscape of the mouse and human heart to guide precision medicine approaches.
Making a Difference.
Our work is driven by imaginative individuals who have a sense of adventure. Our environment fosters openness, passion, and revolutionary thinking. The below video elegantly captures these ideals.